The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies 那次活动是为筹集资金购买医药物资。
Whoever steals a baby or an infant for the purpose of extorting money or property shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 以勒索财物为目的偷盗婴幼儿的,依照前款的规定处罚。
His purpose was transparent, for money, He would have a bone-marrow transplant and needed a lot of money. 他的动机很明显,为了钱。他将做骨髓移植手术,必须要一大笔钱。
The ironic part is the people who choose the number on purpose do not always make big money, while the people whose telephone numbers or car plate numbers contain 4 do not kick their buckets. 最讽刺的是那些故意选了数字8最为电话号码、车牌号码的人也没有一直赚大钱发大财,而那些选择了数字4的人也都活得好好的。
Article 389 Whoever, for the purpose of securing illegitimate benefits, gives money or property to a State functionary shall be guilty of offering bribes. 第三百八十九条为谋取不正当利益,给予国家工作人员以财物的,是行贿罪。
What is the purpose of money you are working so hard for? 你努力工作赚钱的目的是什么呢?
But remember, starting a business for the sole purpose of making money usually ends in failure. 但要切记,纯粹为了赚钱进行创业,最后往往都以失败告终。
I came here for the purpose of making getting back the money you had borrowed from me. 我来这里的目的是讨回你向我借的钱。
The purpose of financial planning is to manage your money well and make good use of it, thus bringing it into the fullest play. 理财的目的就是管好和用好你的钱财,使之发挥更大效用。
Youth hostels, unlike hotels, are not run for the purpose of making money. 青年寄宿旅店,不像宾馆,不是以赚钱为经营目的的。
In the town meeting Mr Smith spoke to the purpose in advocating the raising of more money to support the public schools. 在镇民大会上,史密斯先生主张筹措更多款项支持公立学校的演说得非常中肯恰当。
To get around the restrictions, most Chinese companies issue bonds through offshore holding companies or special purpose vehicles, then send the money onshore in the form of foreign direct investment that is, as equity rather than debt. 为绕开管制,大多数中国企业选择通过离岸控股公司或特别目的载体(spv)发行债券,然后将资金以外国直接投资(fdi)也就是股权而非债务的形式汇入境内。
Though you are not saving money on purpose but this will help us saving the money for use after our retirement. 虽然这不是专门在存钱,但可以帮我们把钱存起来以备退休以后使用。
I wouldn't go halves in the toffee and gingerbread on purpose to save the money. 为了把钱省下来,我不肯把太妃糖和甜饼分给别人。
This is especially true if your major purpose is that of accumulation of money or other material things. 尤其是你的目的若在于聚财,或聚积其他实质财物的时候,更是如此。
The purpose of borrowing money as provided in the asset trust securitization plan described in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to the distribution of profits, interests or other proceeds. 前项资产信托证券化计划所定借入款项之目的,应以配发利益、孳息或其它收益为限。
But once we understand the ego's purpose for the world, including money, we can look at all of it differently, and know it is a window to our own unconscious mind. 我们一旦了解了小我投射在世界以及金钱上的用心所在,我们便能以不同的眼光来看待一切,知道它们是我们通往潜意识的窗口。
A data processing system using small general purpose computer for checking money order 小型通用计算机汇兑稽核数据处理系统
With the purpose of saving money of the users, this article introduces ingenious use in online retrieval of patents in order to reduce the costs in using the system of DIALOG. 文章介绍了在DIALOG联机检索系统中检索专利文献时如何降低检索费用的技巧,以节约用户的费用。
The purpose of main study on money laundering crime is for attacking the money laundering crimes of different forms effectively; protect the sound development of the economic order of our country. 对洗钱犯罪的研究最主要的目的是为了有效打击各种形式的洗钱犯罪,保护我国经济秩序的健康发展。
The financial regulation leads to the existence of informal financial market that exerts great effect on the implementary purpose of money policy and macro economy function. 非正式金融市场的存在是金融管制的必然结果,它对货币政策实施的效用及宏观经济的运行都产生了重大的影响。
There is legislative limitation in the article 239 of Criminal Law: "Kidnapping another person as a hostage" can cover "kidnapping another person or steal a baby or an infant for the purpose of extorting money or property"; 刑法第239条存在一定的立法缺陷:绑架他人作为人质的内容应该能涵盖以勒索财物为目的绑架他人或者偷盗婴幼儿的内容;
Along with goods, services and capital in the international movement of all kinds for the purpose of payment of the movement of money across borders is inevitable. 伴随着商品、劳务以及资本在国际间的流动,各种为进行支付而跨越国界的货币运动就不可避免。
The company is to make money of economy organization, shareholder investment of purpose be for make money. 公司是营利性的经济组织,股东投资的目的就是为了营利。
In China, the purpose of investors is to earn more money, which is very easy to make stock price too high. 在我国,投资者进行投资的目的主要是通过低买高买赚取差价,这种投机行为很容易使得股票价格虚高。
The development based on cloud computing, without having to purchase a variety of hardware and software and set up IT team to achieve that purpose, not only saves money but also reduces labor costs. 基于云计算技术的开发,无需购买各种硬件设备和软件基础设施,甚至是投资专门的IT团队来实现需求环境,既节省了资金,又降低了人力成本。
They playmates are fixed, the purpose is not to win money, but the chart a happy, or you take turns to win the decimal purpose "good luck", the winner will take out money to treat. 他们的玩伴大多也是固定的,目的并不是赢钱,只是图个高兴,或者大家轮流赢取小数目的彩头,赢家还要拿出钱来请客。
International Criminal Police definition of organized crime by International Criminal Police is any organized control structure for the main purpose of obtains money through illegal activities, usually groups of terrorist activities and corruption activities in the economic sources of livelihood. 国际刑警把有组织犯罪定义为:任何有组织的结构体,通过不法活动获取经济利益为其主要目的,常常以恐怖活动和腐败活动的经济来源为生的群体。
The author believes that 191 of the Penal Code, "to disguise or conceal the source and nature" is not the purpose of the crime of money-laundering, money laundering offence committed is not an end. 笔者认为,刑法191条为掩饰、隐瞒其来源和性质并不是对洗钱罪目的的规定,洗钱罪并非目的犯。
Therefore, once the purpose of the more-than-compensatory money sanctions is characterized as the punition or retribution, the general civil procedure can not be applied to the sanction. 这样,一旦超额赔偿的目的被定性为惩罚或者报应,那么,常规的民事程序就无法再对其具有适用性。